First a few facts:
- Our Troop is chartered by Providence Lutheran Church. The church provides a year-round meeting place and approves our adult leadership. There is no requirement for our Scouts or their families to be members of the church.
- We have earned the Quality Unit Award since our first rechartering.
- Our Troop meets Tuesday evenings in the Family Life Center at Providence Lutheran with pre-opening activities at 6:45pm, formal opening at 7:00 pm. Depending upon the meeting topic/program, our closing varies between 8:15 and 8:30pm.
- All boys who have completed the 5th grade, or who are in the 5th grade and have earned the Arrow of Light, or who are at least 11 years old, are eligible to join.
- Parents are encouraged to take an active role in troop leadership and are always welcome at troop meetings. There are many ways parents can assist, ranging from weekly meeting program support. Training is provided. For example, Assistant Scoutmaster, committee functions like Advancement, Equipment, Transportation, Finance, or sharing specific skills or interests.
- We have a well-rounded calendar of activities, including camping and hiking, summer camp, high adventure treks (14 and older), community service projects, skills development, fun stuff (ask for details) and career and hobby exploration.
Rules and Regulations: The Scout Oath and the 12 points of the Scout Law are our governing rules.
Leadership: We operate on a boy-leadership basis. Scouts plan and run the meetings with adult guidance and supervision. We hold an annual Troop Leader Training Conference (occasionally with neighboring Troops) to train our older Scouts in leadership skills.
Participation: Parents are asked to provide active support by driving and helping with activities, assisting with skills instruction, attending Courts of Honor (4 per year), and encouraging their sons to actively participate in patrol and troop meetings and activities.
Uniform: The Boy Scout uniform is a very important method in our Troop operation. Wearing the full BSA uniform is a requirement for participation in Troop 210 activities. This includes the BSA tan shirt, pants, belt & buckle, and socks when BSA shorts are worn. New Scouts are afforded a reasonable amount of time to comply, and the Troop can help Scouts obtain uniform parts if needed. Ask an adult leader for more information on what is required, or if you need financial assistance.
Costs: The annual fee is $85. This includes registration and basic Troop supplies. However, for transferring Webelos Scouts, the first year is covered with your son’s application. An annual Boy’s Life subscription is about $12.50 if desired. Troop activities are on a pay-as-you go basis. Most Scouts pay for these from their “Scout unit account”. We provide several fundraising opportunities each year for Scouts to earn money for their account.
Council & District: Troop 210 is part of the Swan Creek District in the Erie Shores Council.
Directions: View our map page to get directions to our meeting place.
Questions? Feel free to give us a call:
Scoutmaster: Chris Jackson 866-8852
Committee Chair: Lee Schultz 276-3209
Charter Rep.: Jim Whitehead 350-1944
Be sure to review our Events page and our Newsletter to learn more about our Troop activities and events!